Book Announcement

· 2 min read

I love pushing out new products and ideas into the wild. It’s a great joy to positively impact people’s lives. Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Benjamin and I have a book coming out! The book, called MY MORNING ROUTINE, is being published by Portfolio/Penguin and will be available everywhere books are sold on May 15, 2018.

My Morning Routine book announcement

So how did this all come together? In the summer of 2016 we were approached by an editor at Portfolio, and since then it has been all go. Between us we contacted 631 people in the space of six months, with a small number being whittled down and making it into the finished work. My personal highlight of the whole process was/is having the world’s largest publishing house behind us (Penguin Random House), who not only opened the door to incredible interviewees—including retired U.S. Army four-star General Stanley McChrystal, three-time Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Soni, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, and Sherry Lansing the first woman to head a Hollywood movie studio—but also continue to enable us to personally grow in an international collaboration.

Unlike the website, the book is a comprehensive guide on how to get into a routine that works for you so that you can develop the habits that move you forward. At the end of each chapter, we personally offer advice on creating your own new routine, whatever it may include. We’ve put together a page with more information on the book.

You can pre-order the book now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, and some other places too, including your local bookstore. And please do! The more pre-orders we get, the more copies physical book shops order (even if you’re pre-ordering from Amazon). Foreign editions, including German, will be available later this year.

Finally, Benjamin and I truly believe that this book will help people live a better morning (and ultimately, a better life), so we want to be able to share it with as large of an audience as possible. If you have enjoyed what we have been doing at for the past five years, and you are interested in helping us spread the word, please message me here and we will help make it a reality.

With gratitude,